Shellie H Gazlay and Anne Marie Morgan
The Story

Shellie H. Gazlay
Shellie H. Gazlay
Desplaines, Illinois
Inspiration Statement: As I discussed with Annie Marie Morgan in our various meetings, my family tree has meant a lot to me for many years. On my mother’s side her mother came to the states after the Russian Revolution and on my dad’s side he came to the states alone after world-war 2 as a Holocaust Survivor. Saying this our family history was bits and pieces
of stores woven together but an incomplete story. Not only was our family history/tree a puzzle but also genetically very little was known about our family. In 1999 the first case of breast cancer was discovered in our family. Up until that point we were very proud that we had 4 generations alive and healthy and we were very proud of that fact. I am one of four girls in my family (second oldest) and my oldest sister Linda Ben Ami was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in 1999. This was about the time they were executing BRAC gene studies and our family participated as subjects. It was discovered that my mom and three sisters all had the BRAC I mutation and I was the only one that tested negative. My sister Linda fought the disease for about 2-3 years but in 2001 died from her disease. My two other sisters decided to be proactive and have had surgeries to prevent the cancer from happening as they are in the 85% chance of being sick. For me it was more of my family tree branches that were being cut off. Later my mom came down with breast cancer but they caught it very early …but she did die early due to a very bad car accident but again sadly another branch of my family tree was being cut off. We knew more about my mom’s family history and genetics as such we understood that the gene must have come from my mother’s side of the family. Then my dad also succumbed to prostate and esophageal cancer. About that time, we remember that he told us he had a brother who died of cancer before the war and it started us thinking maybe the gene might come from my dad’s side.
We more forward to 2012 and I was diagnosed with breast cancer in my left breast and caught it at an early stage. Surgery, reconstruction and reduction and then radiation with Tamoxifen for five years seemed to do the trick. I did some more genetic testing but came up negative for everything. Again, I was afraid another family tree branch was going to be cut off, but the outlook looked good, until exactly one year to me being diagnosed with breast cancer my daughter came down with synovial sarcoma. Tali fought the disease for eight years but succumbed 2 years ago in Sept 2021. Yes, again a part of my family Tree was being cut off and I lost my baby girl. In 2019 I was again diagnosed with a more aggressive form of breast cancer in my right breast and since the past five years have been fighting this horrible disease as I am stage IV. Again, I did genetic testing and I guess I am in the 15% group of the general population that can get breast cancer or the gene that might be from my dad or mom that has not been found yet. It is all G-D's hand.I talk a lot of my family tree, and during these years G-D has blessed me in so many ways. It is not only about G-D trimming our tree…
During the Ukrainian war we found some of my mom’s family and even though we have been losing people in our family, we found family and were able to help them get to Israel for safety and a new life, A very large new branch as they are the youngest brother and sister-in law to my grandma, her daughter and husband and their two daughters! My three other children (who are triplets) each got married and I now have two new daughters and one new son. Three new branches My Daughter Ariel (Talia Gazlay’s sister who did this program a few years ago) has gifted me and my husband with a new grandson and granddaughter.
Two very hopeful new branches On my mother’s side we rediscovered my grandfather’s family tree and we are just getting to know each other. My close family friends and family have supported me and Ron, my husband, during this journey that has given us strength to walk the path G-D has placed before us! The family and grafted family in my tree continue to nurture me and my family. Last but not least my strength has come from the L-RD! and my faith community. Without this community of support physically and spiritually I do not think I could remain so hopeful. Here on Earth my family tree is being pruned and trimmed as well as growing. I know I will be with my family when I am called to sit at G-D’s table having a party with my mom, dad, sister, baby girl and all the people who have gone before me, when my time comes for my branch to be trimmed.
A tree grows upward and outward and my family tree is growing and being a blessing to many people in this world. The ones still here on earth are working to help and loves others and the ones that have been trimmed have left their mark in their beautiful lives… like a flower for all to cherish.
Desplaines, Illinois
Inspiration Statement: As I discussed with Annie Marie Morgan in our various meetings, my family tree has meant a lot to me for many years. On my mother’s side her mother came to the states after the Russian Revolution and on my dad’s side he came to the states alone after world-war 2 as a Holocaust Survivor. Saying this our family history was bits and pieces
of stores woven together but an incomplete story. Not only was our family history/tree a puzzle but also genetically very little was known about our family. In 1999 the first case of breast cancer was discovered in our family. Up until that point we were very proud that we had 4 generations alive and healthy and we were very proud of that fact. I am one of four girls in my family (second oldest) and my oldest sister Linda Ben Ami was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in 1999. This was about the time they were executing BRAC gene studies and our family participated as subjects. It was discovered that my mom and three sisters all had the BRAC I mutation and I was the only one that tested negative. My sister Linda fought the disease for about 2-3 years but in 2001 died from her disease. My two other sisters decided to be proactive and have had surgeries to prevent the cancer from happening as they are in the 85% chance of being sick. For me it was more of my family tree branches that were being cut off. Later my mom came down with breast cancer but they caught it very early …but she did die early due to a very bad car accident but again sadly another branch of my family tree was being cut off. We knew more about my mom’s family history and genetics as such we understood that the gene must have come from my mother’s side of the family. Then my dad also succumbed to prostate and esophageal cancer. About that time, we remember that he told us he had a brother who died of cancer before the war and it started us thinking maybe the gene might come from my dad’s side.
We more forward to 2012 and I was diagnosed with breast cancer in my left breast and caught it at an early stage. Surgery, reconstruction and reduction and then radiation with Tamoxifen for five years seemed to do the trick. I did some more genetic testing but came up negative for everything. Again, I was afraid another family tree branch was going to be cut off, but the outlook looked good, until exactly one year to me being diagnosed with breast cancer my daughter came down with synovial sarcoma. Tali fought the disease for eight years but succumbed 2 years ago in Sept 2021. Yes, again a part of my family Tree was being cut off and I lost my baby girl. In 2019 I was again diagnosed with a more aggressive form of breast cancer in my right breast and since the past five years have been fighting this horrible disease as I am stage IV. Again, I did genetic testing and I guess I am in the 15% group of the general population that can get breast cancer or the gene that might be from my dad or mom that has not been found yet. It is all G-D's hand.I talk a lot of my family tree, and during these years G-D has blessed me in so many ways. It is not only about G-D trimming our tree…
During the Ukrainian war we found some of my mom’s family and even though we have been losing people in our family, we found family and were able to help them get to Israel for safety and a new life, A very large new branch as they are the youngest brother and sister-in law to my grandma, her daughter and husband and their two daughters! My three other children (who are triplets) each got married and I now have two new daughters and one new son. Three new branches My Daughter Ariel (Talia Gazlay’s sister who did this program a few years ago) has gifted me and my husband with a new grandson and granddaughter.
Two very hopeful new branches On my mother’s side we rediscovered my grandfather’s family tree and we are just getting to know each other. My close family friends and family have supported me and Ron, my husband, during this journey that has given us strength to walk the path G-D has placed before us! The family and grafted family in my tree continue to nurture me and my family. Last but not least my strength has come from the L-RD! and my faith community. Without this community of support physically and spiritually I do not think I could remain so hopeful. Here on Earth my family tree is being pruned and trimmed as well as growing. I know I will be with my family when I am called to sit at G-D’s table having a party with my mom, dad, sister, baby girl and all the people who have gone before me, when my time comes for my branch to be trimmed.
A tree grows upward and outward and my family tree is growing and being a blessing to many people in this world. The ones still here on earth are working to help and loves others and the ones that have been trimmed have left their mark in their beautiful lives… like a flower for all to cherish.

Anne Marie Morgan
River Forest, IL
“Eternal Roots, Illuminated Bonds”
Oil on canvas
26” x 26”
Artist Statement: Where creativity pulls together the tapestry of human experience, "Eternal Roots, Illuminated Bonds" is my testament to the resilience and interconnectedness of my inspiration and her family. This work is my heartfelt ode to Shellie’s indomitable spirit as she graces our world with strength and openness in the face of cancer’s presence in her life and the lives of her family members.
Shellie inspired a creative pilgrimage on my part. I was guided by her experience of loss, faith, and the fierce love of and for her family. With deep reverence for her story, I sought to symbolically capture the essence of her family’s lineage, rooted in Judaism and Christianity. The mystical family tree, adorned with glowing leaves, serves as a testament to the powerful beauty that emerges from the unity of family members.
The tragedy and significance defined by the synchronicity of Shellie’s sister’s and daughter's passing from cancer on the same sacred date in the Jewish calendar imbues Shellie’s story with a powerful love and ethereal resonance that I also sought to capture. The harvest moon serves as a symbol of the dawning of a sacred holiday and a message of hope. The outstretched arm, a bridge between realms, aims to embody the tender leadership of her angelic family members guiding their beloved kin from this world to whatever awaits us. "Eternal Roots, Illuminated Bonds" is my bearing witness to the enduring power of love, faith, and the connections that define Shellie’s and her beautiful family’s journey.
“Eternal Roots, Illuminated Bonds”
Oil on canvas
26” x 26”
Artist Statement: Where creativity pulls together the tapestry of human experience, "Eternal Roots, Illuminated Bonds" is my testament to the resilience and interconnectedness of my inspiration and her family. This work is my heartfelt ode to Shellie’s indomitable spirit as she graces our world with strength and openness in the face of cancer’s presence in her life and the lives of her family members.
Shellie inspired a creative pilgrimage on my part. I was guided by her experience of loss, faith, and the fierce love of and for her family. With deep reverence for her story, I sought to symbolically capture the essence of her family’s lineage, rooted in Judaism and Christianity. The mystical family tree, adorned with glowing leaves, serves as a testament to the powerful beauty that emerges from the unity of family members.
The tragedy and significance defined by the synchronicity of Shellie’s sister’s and daughter's passing from cancer on the same sacred date in the Jewish calendar imbues Shellie’s story with a powerful love and ethereal resonance that I also sought to capture. The harvest moon serves as a symbol of the dawning of a sacred holiday and a message of hope. The outstretched arm, a bridge between realms, aims to embody the tender leadership of her angelic family members guiding their beloved kin from this world to whatever awaits us. "Eternal Roots, Illuminated Bonds" is my bearing witness to the enduring power of love, faith, and the connections that define Shellie’s and her beautiful family’s journey.