Anna Warner-Mayes and Annalise Trenkamp
The Story

Anna Warner-Mayes
Rochester, MI
Social Media: @annaslipstick @TheLipstickJourney
Twist on Cancer: I have had cancer four times and now live with stage 4 cancer. Life can be both brutal and beautiful (as cancer thriver and author Kate Bowler says). I love a quote that says, “We live daily but die once, so we must make the most of the time we have.” I am making the most of this life as much as possible. The tagline of The Lipstick Journey is “Life is your canvas,” so my twist on cancer? No one can escape hard, difficult times, grief, etc. .. it's all part of loving and living, but life is colorful and magical if you look.
Social Media: @annaslipstick @TheLipstickJourney
Twist on Cancer: I have had cancer four times and now live with stage 4 cancer. Life can be both brutal and beautiful (as cancer thriver and author Kate Bowler says). I love a quote that says, “We live daily but die once, so we must make the most of the time we have.” I am making the most of this life as much as possible. The tagline of The Lipstick Journey is “Life is your canvas,” so my twist on cancer? No one can escape hard, difficult times, grief, etc. .. it's all part of loving and living, but life is colorful and magical if you look.

Annalise Trenkamp
Rochester Hills, MI
30” x 40”
Value: $300
Artist Statement: I draw the best inspiration from painting for someone. After listening to my Inspiration’s amazing journey and continued battle, I thought there was nothing I could do that would honor her experience with enough authenticity. As I began brainstorming, I could only think of my Inspiration and her family, her experiences moving through people’s lives, and how she wanted to connect with others with such an intensity. Her appreciation for life is obvious. Her appreciation for the ones she loves and cares for is unmeasurable. Her ability to want to create a community is beautiful. So, I decided to represent all of those she loves in flowers, and herself as a song bird. We agreed on the song bird because of her history with singing.
The flowers each are the birth month flower of a family member and the song bird represents herself.
30” x 40”
Value: $300
Artist Statement: I draw the best inspiration from painting for someone. After listening to my Inspiration’s amazing journey and continued battle, I thought there was nothing I could do that would honor her experience with enough authenticity. As I began brainstorming, I could only think of my Inspiration and her family, her experiences moving through people’s lives, and how she wanted to connect with others with such an intensity. Her appreciation for life is obvious. Her appreciation for the ones she loves and cares for is unmeasurable. Her ability to want to create a community is beautiful. So, I decided to represent all of those she loves in flowers, and herself as a song bird. We agreed on the song bird because of her history with singing.
The flowers each are the birth month flower of a family member and the song bird represents herself.