Erica Gifford Mills & Kim Moore
The Story

Erica Gifford Mills
Twist on Cancer: Embrace the rollercoaster of emotions, for it is in these ups and downs that we find our true selves. Some days may be darker than others, but even in those moments, your light shines through. When faced with setbacks, take a deep breath, and remember that laughter is a powerful medicine. Share a joke, smile at the small things, and let humor be your companion on this journey. Celebrate not just the milestones but also the small, everyday victories, each one a beacon of your indomitable spirit. Keep your heart open to joy and your mind focused on the positive, for it is this balance that will carry you through. Your journey, with its highs and lows, is a beautiful tapestry of strength, hope, and a life well-lived. Remember that your story is one of incredible bravery and hope. Keep moving forward one step at a time, with grace, gratitude, faith, determination, and a sprinkle of laughter for your journey inspires many and illuminates the path for others.
Twist on Cancer: Embrace the rollercoaster of emotions, for it is in these ups and downs that we find our true selves. Some days may be darker than others, but even in those moments, your light shines through. When faced with setbacks, take a deep breath, and remember that laughter is a powerful medicine. Share a joke, smile at the small things, and let humor be your companion on this journey. Celebrate not just the milestones but also the small, everyday victories, each one a beacon of your indomitable spirit. Keep your heart open to joy and your mind focused on the positive, for it is this balance that will carry you through. Your journey, with its highs and lows, is a beautiful tapestry of strength, hope, and a life well-lived. Remember that your story is one of incredible bravery and hope. Keep moving forward one step at a time, with grace, gratitude, faith, determination, and a sprinkle of laughter for your journey inspires many and illuminates the path for others.

Kim Moore
Coral Gables, FL
“Mycelium Network”
Ink, watercolor, thread, watercolor paper
23.5” x 19” x 1.25” (framed)
Artist Statement: When I first met Erica, she was in her Tree House, and we spoke over Zoom. The Tree House is her cabin in the woods, where she spends time with family, and she has lots of family. The décor is trees: pictures on the walls, pillows, towels, quilt – everything has a tree theme. It was obvious how important trees are to her.
Her family and loved ones are very important to her. Several of her 8 siblings have cabins at the same campsite, and they are constantly in touch and spending time together. But her bff is definitely her son Conner, who she loves more than anything.
Throughout our time together, I could see how important her interpersonal relationships are; they made me think of the mycelium network that connects trees. The trees use the network to communicate with each other, sending water and nutrients to those in need, especially younger saplings, which do not have enough sunlight to photosynthesize. Interestingly, a study on Douglas-fir trees indicates that trees recognize the root tips of their relatives and favor them when sending carbon and nutrients through the fungal network [England’s University of Reading,].
I felt these connections emanating from Erica and returned to her through the networks and relationships she nurtures and is nurtured by in return. It's an amazing and beautiful balanced symmetry.
“Mycelium Network”
Ink, watercolor, thread, watercolor paper
23.5” x 19” x 1.25” (framed)
Artist Statement: When I first met Erica, she was in her Tree House, and we spoke over Zoom. The Tree House is her cabin in the woods, where she spends time with family, and she has lots of family. The décor is trees: pictures on the walls, pillows, towels, quilt – everything has a tree theme. It was obvious how important trees are to her.
Her family and loved ones are very important to her. Several of her 8 siblings have cabins at the same campsite, and they are constantly in touch and spending time together. But her bff is definitely her son Conner, who she loves more than anything.
Throughout our time together, I could see how important her interpersonal relationships are; they made me think of the mycelium network that connects trees. The trees use the network to communicate with each other, sending water and nutrients to those in need, especially younger saplings, which do not have enough sunlight to photosynthesize. Interestingly, a study on Douglas-fir trees indicates that trees recognize the root tips of their relatives and favor them when sending carbon and nutrients through the fungal network [England’s University of Reading,].
I felt these connections emanating from Erica and returned to her through the networks and relationships she nurtures and is nurtured by in return. It's an amazing and beautiful balanced symmetry.