Jeanette Redmond and Jessica Joy London
The Story

Jeanette Redmond
Ardmore, PA
Triple negative breast cancer survivor
Twist on Cancer: I was diagnosed when I was in the middle of several family crises. What I learned is that we can do hard things, and also that sometimes the universe (God, the tao) helps things fall into place when and how we need them to. Today, because of that journey, I'm so much stronger, and so clear on who I am and what matters to me, and I set and protect boundaries more firmly and yet more lovingly.
Triple negative breast cancer survivor
Twist on Cancer: I was diagnosed when I was in the middle of several family crises. What I learned is that we can do hard things, and also that sometimes the universe (God, the tao) helps things fall into place when and how we need them to. Today, because of that journey, I'm so much stronger, and so clear on who I am and what matters to me, and I set and protect boundaries more firmly and yet more lovingly.

Jessica Joy London
Philadelphia and
“Light Up”
Ink on Yupo
16" x 24" framed
Artist Statement:I invited Jeanette to make 2 paintings, one that represented her life during cancer, and one that represented her life after cancer. Then I laser cut each painting Jeanette made, along with a plain white piece of paper into concentric circles. I weaved them all together to represent a body and a timeline. The fabric of life and concentric circles like the rings of a tree. The white concentric circles represent the next chapter of her life, filled with light. The painting she made to represent her experience with cancer features a lot of red, copper, and string. The copper represents her daughter, who is the light of her life. The painting she made to represent life after cancer features blue, green, grey and copper. There is a lot of negative white to breathe. The part of Jeanette's story that really stayed with me is the moment when she was about to start radiation and she was freaking out and then the song Run by Snow Patrol came on, which was her husband's favorite song. Her husband had recently passed on after not being able to be there for her during her fight, but now he had finally showed up, and knowing this gave Jeanette the strength to keep fighting. and
“Light Up”
Ink on Yupo
16" x 24" framed
Artist Statement:I invited Jeanette to make 2 paintings, one that represented her life during cancer, and one that represented her life after cancer. Then I laser cut each painting Jeanette made, along with a plain white piece of paper into concentric circles. I weaved them all together to represent a body and a timeline. The fabric of life and concentric circles like the rings of a tree. The white concentric circles represent the next chapter of her life, filled with light. The painting she made to represent her experience with cancer features a lot of red, copper, and string. The copper represents her daughter, who is the light of her life. The painting she made to represent life after cancer features blue, green, grey and copper. There is a lot of negative white to breathe. The part of Jeanette's story that really stayed with me is the moment when she was about to start radiation and she was freaking out and then the song Run by Snow Patrol came on, which was her husband's favorite song. Her husband had recently passed on after not being able to be there for her during her fight, but now he had finally showed up, and knowing this gave Jeanette the strength to keep fighting.