Katie Gray and Lyrika Van Vliet
The Story

Katie Gray
Location: Austin, Texas
Social Media: @katiemccollumgray
Two-time breast cancer survivor
Twist on Cancer: Two months after my husband proposed to me, I received my first cancer diagnosis at the whopping old age of 30. Then three years after that, I received my second. Cancer puts a giant pause on every single aspect of your life. Everyone offers their advice as to how you should proceed and the decisions you should make. I remember thinking, there must be a support group out there with women who truly understand what I am going through. I hit Google and found the Breast Cancer Resource Center, a local support group staffed with breast cancer survivors. It was so incredibly helpful during my cancer journey to have a survivor walk alongside me. I’ve always known that I wanted to be a mom. After my second diagnosis, I knew that my dream of breastfeeding was not going to come true. Since my breast cancer is caused by a gene, I knew that I wanted to not pass this gene on to my future child. While I must have this cancer journey, my child will be spared that. Thus began my fertility journey. As of right now, I have two perfect girl embryos that do not carry the same gene I do. It means the world to me to be able to give them the best possible start in life from the very beginning. I want to continue to be an example for other young women diagnosed with breast cancer. Breast cancer does not and will not ever define you.
Social Media: @katiemccollumgray
Two-time breast cancer survivor
Twist on Cancer: Two months after my husband proposed to me, I received my first cancer diagnosis at the whopping old age of 30. Then three years after that, I received my second. Cancer puts a giant pause on every single aspect of your life. Everyone offers their advice as to how you should proceed and the decisions you should make. I remember thinking, there must be a support group out there with women who truly understand what I am going through. I hit Google and found the Breast Cancer Resource Center, a local support group staffed with breast cancer survivors. It was so incredibly helpful during my cancer journey to have a survivor walk alongside me. I’ve always known that I wanted to be a mom. After my second diagnosis, I knew that my dream of breastfeeding was not going to come true. Since my breast cancer is caused by a gene, I knew that I wanted to not pass this gene on to my future child. While I must have this cancer journey, my child will be spared that. Thus began my fertility journey. As of right now, I have two perfect girl embryos that do not carry the same gene I do. It means the world to me to be able to give them the best possible start in life from the very beginning. I want to continue to be an example for other young women diagnosed with breast cancer. Breast cancer does not and will not ever define you.

Lyrika Van Vliet
Austin, TX
“The Blossom Of A Wish”
Acrylic paint
30" x 40" x .5"
Artist Statement: My first Brushes with Cancer experience was wonderful and an incredible opportunity to have. I won't lie when I say that it was definitely stressful at times trying to really get an idea down, there were many revisions made and so many ideas I had for this piece. But in the end I think it turned out perfect. "The Blossom Of A Wish" is a tribute to my wonderful inspiration, Katie Gray! It is based off what inspired me most about her and her story, the compassion that her and her husband share to have a baby. Throughout our time together, this has been the thing that stuck out most to me. I want this to be a reminder that wishes do come true and a reminder for them and their journey with IVF that it will all be worth it in the end!
“The Blossom Of A Wish”
Acrylic paint
30" x 40" x .5"
Artist Statement: My first Brushes with Cancer experience was wonderful and an incredible opportunity to have. I won't lie when I say that it was definitely stressful at times trying to really get an idea down, there were many revisions made and so many ideas I had for this piece. But in the end I think it turned out perfect. "The Blossom Of A Wish" is a tribute to my wonderful inspiration, Katie Gray! It is based off what inspired me most about her and her story, the compassion that her and her husband share to have a baby. Throughout our time together, this has been the thing that stuck out most to me. I want this to be a reminder that wishes do come true and a reminder for them and their journey with IVF that it will all be worth it in the end!