Sandy Lipscomb & Amber Ashlynn Hendricks
The Story

Sandy Lipscomb
Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan
Breast Cancer Survivor
Twist on Cancer: WORDS ARE POWERFUL. Three words, “you have cancer”, could have knocked me down. The four words you’re looking at now, held me up. Through these words, I transferred cancer’s power to me.
On Valentine’s Day 2017, I was leading a meeting when my phone rang. I stopped mid-sentence, left the room and took the call. My doctor said those shocking three words. They didn’t sink in right away. I rejoined my team and said, “I need to leave. Keep going without me”, hoping they didn’t sense the panic that had just dropped like lead into my gut.
I got into my car and lost it, through the drive home, on the phone with my husband, and for another hour on the floor in my den. And that was it. I decided right there, “I will get through this. I have things to do. I have to live my f’ing life!”. I chose the most drastic treatment, knowing recovery would be long and painful, but the best chance to put this episode behind me. A few weeks later, I had my first surgery. Today, I’m cancer free.Since then, LYFL (Live Your F’ing Life) has been my personal mantra. I had those four letters engraved on a ring to remind myself what’s important. I’ve never wanted to be regarded as “the woman who had breast cancer”. And I don’t talk much about that time
in my life. But, I’ve realized, LYFL is a mantra worth sharing.
Breast Cancer Survivor
Twist on Cancer: WORDS ARE POWERFUL. Three words, “you have cancer”, could have knocked me down. The four words you’re looking at now, held me up. Through these words, I transferred cancer’s power to me.
On Valentine’s Day 2017, I was leading a meeting when my phone rang. I stopped mid-sentence, left the room and took the call. My doctor said those shocking three words. They didn’t sink in right away. I rejoined my team and said, “I need to leave. Keep going without me”, hoping they didn’t sense the panic that had just dropped like lead into my gut.
I got into my car and lost it, through the drive home, on the phone with my husband, and for another hour on the floor in my den. And that was it. I decided right there, “I will get through this. I have things to do. I have to live my f’ing life!”. I chose the most drastic treatment, knowing recovery would be long and painful, but the best chance to put this episode behind me. A few weeks later, I had my first surgery. Today, I’m cancer free.Since then, LYFL (Live Your F’ing Life) has been my personal mantra. I had those four letters engraved on a ring to remind myself what’s important. I’ve never wanted to be regarded as “the woman who had breast cancer”. And I don’t talk much about that time
in my life. But, I’ve realized, LYFL is a mantra worth sharing.

Amber Ashlynn Hendricks
Watercolor, ink, & one colored pencil
26" W x 40" H (not including framing materials)
Artist Statement: Live Your F*ing Life! Sandy slayed cancer, and now this is how she lives. Every day. She lives every single one of them to the fullest. She pushes through. She makes the most of all that she’s given. She gives toxicity a free pass to anywhere but here. She takes care of herself, so she can best take care of others. She amplifies her life. She goes out there and she THRIVES. She gets the most out of every one of her days. They are all precious, and she earned them all. She fought. She won. Inspiration? Absolutely! What an incredible person. What a wonderful gift. Ideas for this piece flowed in pretty rapidly after hearing Sandy’s mantra for living. Wanna fly? Go get wings. Wanna race, but you were only dealt one big ol’ slimy foot? Go find your own legs, and then make ‘em fancy! Go knit up some crazy colorful socks, and wear ‘em 'til they split at the seams! Reach for the stars. Don't miss the rainbows. Keep plenty of flowers and other beautiful things close, within reach. Don’t ever forget how you should live. Keep that at the forefront: rock solid in your mind and in your heart. And know, even those you’ve lost are still right there, helping you through, cheering you on, every step of the way. By all means, get out there, and Live Your F*ing Life!
Watercolor, ink, & one colored pencil
26" W x 40" H (not including framing materials)
Artist Statement: Live Your F*ing Life! Sandy slayed cancer, and now this is how she lives. Every day. She lives every single one of them to the fullest. She pushes through. She makes the most of all that she’s given. She gives toxicity a free pass to anywhere but here. She takes care of herself, so she can best take care of others. She amplifies her life. She goes out there and she THRIVES. She gets the most out of every one of her days. They are all precious, and she earned them all. She fought. She won. Inspiration? Absolutely! What an incredible person. What a wonderful gift. Ideas for this piece flowed in pretty rapidly after hearing Sandy’s mantra for living. Wanna fly? Go get wings. Wanna race, but you were only dealt one big ol’ slimy foot? Go find your own legs, and then make ‘em fancy! Go knit up some crazy colorful socks, and wear ‘em 'til they split at the seams! Reach for the stars. Don't miss the rainbows. Keep plenty of flowers and other beautiful things close, within reach. Don’t ever forget how you should live. Keep that at the forefront: rock solid in your mind and in your heart. And know, even those you’ve lost are still right there, helping you through, cheering you on, every step of the way. By all means, get out there, and Live Your F*ing Life!
Behind the Scenes
My Studio
Subtitle Here
It’s my space. It’s my little place where I can go, fill my head with beautiful music, and just let whatever wants to come out, come out. It’s where I grow. It’s where I thrive.