Tammy Carr and Chelsea Lewish-Bahr
"Golden Triumph"
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The Story
Tammy Carr
Bellieview, FL
Twist on Cancer: Live life with no regrets.
Chelsea Lewis-Bahr
Collegeville, PA
“Golden Triumph”
Acrylic and Joint Compound
36” x 36”
Artist Statement: Imagine the agony of seeking medical help for severe rib bruising only to be dismissed and accused of being domestically abused. Tammy's reality was a heartbreaking testament to this. Despite her insistence, medical professionals repeatedly ignored her concerns.
On October 29th, 2014, the anniversary of her late husband's birthday, Tammy was finally diagnosed with stage 3 Multiple Myeloma. This rare blood cancer had caused debilitating pain, broken bones, and extensive bruising, leaving her wheelchair-bound.
Tammy's journey is not for the weak. She had faced numerous hardships in her life before entering this unknown reality, and this diagnosis was just another challenge to overcome. Time and time again, life's moments have knocked her down, barely giving her a chance to breathe before she could stand, and yet she prevailed.
Dr. Alexandra stepped in and convinced her to undergo a bone marrow transplant on May 26th, 2017, which saved her life. If it hadn't been for Tammy advocating for herself and meeting Dr. Alexandra, this story might have ended differently.
Despite her physical and emotional suffering during this journey, Tammy's spirit never wavered. She became a beacon of strength and inspiration for those around her. They say, "God gives the biggest battles to his strongest warriors," and she is indeed the essence of a warrior and a queen in her own right. Her unconquerable and triumphant spirit is a reminder that even in the face of life's challenges, you can prevail.
This year, Tammy celebrated her 7th year in remission.