Sam Meah and Sujata Gazder
The Story

Sam Meah
Glen Ellyn, IL
Twist on Cancer: Mrs. Sujata Gazder drew outstanding art from my story. Thank you very much Mrs. Gazder.
Twist on Cancer: Mrs. Sujata Gazder drew outstanding art from my story. Thank you very much Mrs. Gazder.

Sujata Gazder
Chicago, IL
Social Media: @sujatagazder
Mixed Medium
24” x 36”
Artist Statement: “Vortex” is a piece I did to reflect the journey of my amazing Inspiration. Life flows along with its highs and lows, wrinkles and good times. Then you get hit with the diagnosis of cancer and your world goes dark. You get sucked into this vortex filled with anxiety, fear, anger and depression. Sometimes around you, the rest of the world disappears. You lose family and friends. You feel empty, isolated and alone. But slowly your difficult times unwind. Life begins to flow forward again….not perfect, still with its folds and wrinkles… but now, with a new appreciation for living. You cherish and value each day, and there is hope. The Universe surrounds you with love both metaphysically and in the form of your dear ones, new friends, and new possibilities.
Social Media: @sujatagazder
Mixed Medium
24” x 36”
Artist Statement: “Vortex” is a piece I did to reflect the journey of my amazing Inspiration. Life flows along with its highs and lows, wrinkles and good times. Then you get hit with the diagnosis of cancer and your world goes dark. You get sucked into this vortex filled with anxiety, fear, anger and depression. Sometimes around you, the rest of the world disappears. You lose family and friends. You feel empty, isolated and alone. But slowly your difficult times unwind. Life begins to flow forward again….not perfect, still with its folds and wrinkles… but now, with a new appreciation for living. You cherish and value each day, and there is hope. The Universe surrounds you with love both metaphysically and in the form of your dear ones, new friends, and new possibilities.