Sujata Gazder: Weaving Fashion and Compassion for Twist Out Cancer

Headshot of Artist Sujata Gazder

The world of fashion is often associated with glamor and beauty. Yet, at its heart, fashion has the power to tell stories, ignite emotions, and inspire action. This is the essence of Sujata Gazder’s commitment to Twist Out Cancer’s Runway of Resilience.

A Personal Connection

Sujata’s dedication to this cause stems from a deeply personal place. Having witnessed the impact of cancer on loved ones, she understands the emotional and physical toll it takes on individuals and their families. This firsthand experience has fueled her desire to use her creative talents to make a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by cancer.

Elevating the Mission through Fashion

As a fashion designer, Sujata recognizes the transformative power of clothing. For her, fashion is not merely about aesthetics; it’s about empowering individuals, boosting their confidence, and helping them reclaim their sense of self. 

Through her involvement with Twist Out Cancer, Sujata aims to harness the power of fashion to elevate the organization’s mission and work. By creating unique and inspiring designs for Twist Out Cancer’s fall fundraiser, Runway of Resilience, she helps to raise awareness about the importance of storytelling and community. Each of Sujata’s pieces tells a story of resilience, strength, and hope, reminding us all that even in the face of adversity, beauty and courage can bloom.

A Shared Commitment to Empowerment

Sujata’s dedication to Twist Out Cancer goes beyond simply designing beautiful clothes. She is deeply committed to empowering individuals touched by cancer and their families through her work. Sujata has participated as a Brushes with Cancer artist three times and has created one of a kind pieces that are reflective of their journey with cancer.

In 2020, Sujata partnered with Sonya Keshwani, a recent breast cancer survivor who, like her, had a love for fashion and finding beauty in the hard. Sonya reflected that “Cancer taught me to stop defining myself by past accomplishments, material possessions, or physical appearance. Instead I began to see myself through my “why.” What is your “why” is the reason to wake up in the morning.  And if you are a patient, it is the reason you want to heal. My “why” was wanting to help other women find courage and empowerment through their hair loss, by launching StyleEsteem Wardrobe. The dream of being able to do this kept me going through countless treatments and surgeries. And it keeps me going now as I navigate the mysterious waters of survivorship. So remember that dreaming BIG, especially during cancer, has the power to change your life and help you heal. Never stop dreaming big.” Now, 4 years later, Sonya Keshwani’s designs will be featured alongside Sujata’s in a truly full circle moment.

Sujata is excited to showcase her latest collection which will feature yellow ribbons that have individual quotes from the models featured on the runway. This allows their stories to be heard beyond the event, and for their resilience and strength to be recognized.  

Sujata’s involvement with Twist Out Cancer is a testament to her belief in the power of fashion to inspire, uplift, and heal. Through her dedication and creativity, she is helping to elevate the organization’s mission and work, making a tangible difference in the lives of those touched by cancer.