Kathy Bademan and Dianey Rueda
“Wings of Hope”
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The Story
Kathy Bademan
Galloway, NJ
Twist on Cancer: My experience with Twist Out Cancer caused me to revisit my experience from 15 years ago and allowed me to reaffirm the miracle of life as a survivor. I have been moved by the stories of the other Inspirations and it is motivating me to seek out ways to give back to the cancer community.
Cancer has marked me literally with scars on my chest from implanted ports, drains, tummy tuck where the fat was taken to reconstruct my breast, drawing eyebrows on every day because after 2 sets of chemo the hair doesn’t grow back anymore, being thrown into early menopause in my first go round. I can also say I have tattoos from the dots tattooed on my chest and rib cage as guides for radiation. Internally at times I feel broken, but mostly I feel stronger and more fearless because once you’ve stared death in the face other things look easy.

My perception of cancer is that it is not a death sentence. Also, the ideal treatment options include the best of western medicine paired with holistic practices to treat the whole person and promote overall healing. Modalities like art and laughter yoga are also medicine and should be part of everyone’s lives for health and wellness.
Dianey Rueda
“Wings of Hope”
Paint on canvas
50cm x 34cm
Artist Statement: From a very early age, art has been an essential part of my life. I have always felt deeply connected to it as a means to explore and express the sensitivity it awakens in me. Through art, I find a space to transform ideas, memories, moments, and emotions into something tangible. After going through difficult experiences in my life, art became my refuge and healing. Every stroke and color allowed me to turn suffering into light and hope. Now, my greatest desire is to help others find their own light in the midst of darkness.

My art seeks to give a voice to those who face deep struggles, whether in the pursuit of equality or in the fight against cancer. Each brushstroke is a way of connecting with these experiences, turning pain into strength and vulnerability into beauty.
This piece was inspired by Kathy. In “Wings of Hope,” the pink hummingbird flies toward the yellow flower, symbolizing the hope and joy that Kathy has embraced, the strength that has arisen within her during her cancer journey, and how her spirit has healed and grown freely in the midst of the storm. The pink hummingbird represents the self-love and passion with which Kathy has faced her battle with breast cancer. Despite the adversities, she has kept her spirit elevated throughout her cancer process, embodying Kathy's light, rebirth, and life after her fight with cancer. The cosmic background, with its shades of blue and purple, represents both the challenges she faced and the deep spiritual and personal lessons she has gained. The blue brings calm, while the purple empowers and transforms, reflecting not only Kathy's emotional journey but also her evolution into a stronger and more empowered version of herself. The purple, in particular, speaks of the feminine power that Kathy has drawn from deep within, finding not only healing but also an inner awakening through her struggle. The golden touch at the base of the flower marks the beginning of a rebirth filled with courage and wisdom, symbolizing that the life now flourishing is deeply connected to an invaluable inner strength. The yellow of the flower represents the light of hope and the strength that has radiated from within her, shining upon everything it touches.