Alexandra George and Michele Kellner
"A Layered Journey"
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The Story
Alexandra George
Philadelphia, PA
Twist on Cancer: After being diagnosed at 22, I spent many years thinking about how my life would have been different if not for my cancer experience. As harrowing of an experience as it was, it shaped me into a person I am proud to be. I laugh harder and I hug tighter. I feel the world so differently. Being faced with death at such a young age allowed me to reexamine the way I live my life. I look back on lists and life plans that I drew up in journals at that age and laugh at how I thought my life would look. If it weren't for my cancer experience I would never have leaped into my dream career or moved cities to be closer to those who give my life meaning. While I do feel darkness and sadness when I think back on that time, working with Michelle also helped me see all of the light around me. There were loved ones who stayed with me in the hospital, cooked my favorite meals, and played board games with me for hours on end. I had friends who would show up on my door just to sit for hours with me while I didn't have the energy to do anything but sleep. I realize now just how much light has always been around me, I just didn't have the eyes to see it.
Michele Kellner
Naples, FL
“A Layered Journey”
30” x 18”
Artist Statement: This image I titled “A Layered Journey” is a visually layered story born from the heart of a multi-layered, multi-talented, complex, brilliant, family-centered light of a being named Alexandra George. Gifting sweetness in so many ways.