Ava Blaser & Elya Stumbaugh
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The Story

Ava Blaser
2x Survivor. Stage 5 Bilateral Wilms tumors
I was diagnosed with Stage 5 Bilateral Wilms (a form of kidney cancer) on Father’s Day 2011. I was just 3 years old. I relapsed 6 years out of treatment in January 2018 when I was 10. I’ve been dealing with cancer and its side effects my entire life. I really don’t remember life before cancer. It’s all I know.
My relapse was hard. At 6 years out-of-treatment, it wasn’t expected with my type of cancer. This time I was old enough to know what was going on and I knew what it meant- I was in a fight for my life.
I’m a competitive dancer and despite my harsh relapse protocol, I continued to dance and compete throughout treatment. It wasn’t something my oncologist thought I’d be able to do but she knew how much it meant to me and she allowed me to continue for as long as I could- which ended up being the entire way through chemo. It led to me being able to share my story, raise awareness and be a voice for childhood cancer. And in hopes of making a difference in finding a cure, I started a campaign with my older sister, to raise money for Wilms Tumor research.
Through my battle, I have learned we must appreciate the little things in life because they can be taken away at any second. No one knows what the future holds. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. We must live in the moment.
2x Survivor. Stage 5 Bilateral Wilms tumors
I was diagnosed with Stage 5 Bilateral Wilms (a form of kidney cancer) on Father’s Day 2011. I was just 3 years old. I relapsed 6 years out of treatment in January 2018 when I was 10. I’ve been dealing with cancer and its side effects my entire life. I really don’t remember life before cancer. It’s all I know.
My relapse was hard. At 6 years out-of-treatment, it wasn’t expected with my type of cancer. This time I was old enough to know what was going on and I knew what it meant- I was in a fight for my life.
I’m a competitive dancer and despite my harsh relapse protocol, I continued to dance and compete throughout treatment. It wasn’t something my oncologist thought I’d be able to do but she knew how much it meant to me and she allowed me to continue for as long as I could- which ended up being the entire way through chemo. It led to me being able to share my story, raise awareness and be a voice for childhood cancer. And in hopes of making a difference in finding a cure, I started a campaign with my older sister, to raise money for Wilms Tumor research.
Through my battle, I have learned we must appreciate the little things in life because they can be taken away at any second. No one knows what the future holds. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. We must live in the moment.

Elya Stumbaugh
Instagram: @awildintrov.art
“The Love That Keeps Us Going”
Ink and watercolor
2'7.5" x 1'9.5" x 1"
Will include a frame.
Artist Statement: Ava was first diagnosed with kidney cancer when she was three, and then again several years later. Dancing has always been one of her passions, but her doctors were not sure that she’d be able to dance while her treatments took place. However, with her determination and the support of her friends and family, she was able to dance all the way through them.
This piece is called “The Love That Keeps Us Going.” The various figures represent Ava dancing through the different stages of her diagnosis, treatment, and remission. The ribbon that winds through the figures represents both the Love of her support system, and her Love for dance.
“The Love That Keeps Us Going”
Ink and watercolor
2'7.5" x 1'9.5" x 1"
Will include a frame.
Artist Statement: Ava was first diagnosed with kidney cancer when she was three, and then again several years later. Dancing has always been one of her passions, but her doctors were not sure that she’d be able to dance while her treatments took place. However, with her determination and the support of her friends and family, she was able to dance all the way through them.
This piece is called “The Love That Keeps Us Going.” The various figures represent Ava dancing through the different stages of her diagnosis, treatment, and remission. The ribbon that winds through the figures represents both the Love of her support system, and her Love for dance.
Show them some love and tell them how you feel.