K. Desai & Amaris Jones
The Story

K. Desai
Philadelphia, PA
Social Media: @Krish_Living
Survivor of Thyroid Cancer
Twist on Cancer: Cancer never quite ends after diagnosis. It persists chronically amongst the surgery, remission, and relapses. Chronic means forever. Thus, she—my cancer—lives on within me. The only difference is that I love her now and together we form what is known as my human. Have you ever loved a part of yourself so much that you cannot help, but rejoice in honor of her presence and your union together? I am rejoicing. For she is me as I am her. We are one as we have always been until death do us apart.
Social Media: @Krish_Living
Survivor of Thyroid Cancer
Twist on Cancer: Cancer never quite ends after diagnosis. It persists chronically amongst the surgery, remission, and relapses. Chronic means forever. Thus, she—my cancer—lives on within me. The only difference is that I love her now and together we form what is known as my human. Have you ever loved a part of yourself so much that you cannot help, but rejoice in honor of her presence and your union together? I am rejoicing. For she is me as I am her. We are one as we have always been until death do us apart.

Amaris Jones
Social Media: @amarisartisan
Gouache, watercolor
24x35 inches
Artist Statement: I had an excellent experience working with my inspiration. It was a life changing experience for me.
Gouache, watercolor
24x35 inches
Artist Statement: I had an excellent experience working with my inspiration. It was a life changing experience for me.