Lindsay Kimmel and Tracie Strange
The Story

Lindsay Kimmel

Tracie Strange
Tracie Strange
Social Media: @TracieTheTreasureHunter (FB)
Multi Media Acrylic Collage Painting
28” x 47” x 2”
Artist Statement: I met Lindsey and was immediately humbled and inspired. This collage painting is her story, told in a patchwork totem pyramid and read from the bottom upward. Transcendence. Diagnosed with salivary gland cancer in her early 30s, it took a long time to diagnose, which gave time to metastasize to her brain and lung. Multiple surgeries resulted in a lot of scars and bell's palsey. She said it left her feeling like a patchwork quilt stitched together in pieces. During one surgery, as she almost died, her late grandmother, surrounded by dragonflies, came to her and said "Go back. You aren't done yet." Dragonflies have never been far since.
I said she was beautiful. She touched her hand to her face and said "Sometimes, this is all I see in the mirror." But through her journey, she has found herself and her spiritual self in a deeper way, feels broken open and awake, expanding light outward, and drawing strength from her spirit animal, wolf. She met with a shaman in Arizona and was taken on a spiritual journey, communing with Mother Earth, and it was there she met a snake, symbol of transformation, shedding the skin, into newness, reborn. Transcendence tells her story, read upward as the hero transcends her own tale. Lindsey is a true inspiration. Her resiliency, her gratitude and her generosity inspire, as she embarks on becoming a cancer coach to help others through such a scary thing in life. I am honored to present this story of hers.
Social Media: @TracieTheTreasureHunter (FB)
Multi Media Acrylic Collage Painting
28” x 47” x 2”
Artist Statement: I met Lindsey and was immediately humbled and inspired. This collage painting is her story, told in a patchwork totem pyramid and read from the bottom upward. Transcendence. Diagnosed with salivary gland cancer in her early 30s, it took a long time to diagnose, which gave time to metastasize to her brain and lung. Multiple surgeries resulted in a lot of scars and bell's palsey. She said it left her feeling like a patchwork quilt stitched together in pieces. During one surgery, as she almost died, her late grandmother, surrounded by dragonflies, came to her and said "Go back. You aren't done yet." Dragonflies have never been far since.
I said she was beautiful. She touched her hand to her face and said "Sometimes, this is all I see in the mirror." But through her journey, she has found herself and her spiritual self in a deeper way, feels broken open and awake, expanding light outward, and drawing strength from her spirit animal, wolf. She met with a shaman in Arizona and was taken on a spiritual journey, communing with Mother Earth, and it was there she met a snake, symbol of transformation, shedding the skin, into newness, reborn. Transcendence tells her story, read upward as the hero transcends her own tale. Lindsey is a true inspiration. Her resiliency, her gratitude and her generosity inspire, as she embarks on becoming a cancer coach to help others through such a scary thing in life. I am honored to present this story of hers.