The Brushes with Cancer Program
Creating Unexpected Intersections
Brushes with Cancer is a unique and transformative program sponsored by Twist Out Cancer that pairs artists with individuals touched by cancer to create meaningful pieces of art that reflect their journey, emotions, and experiences. Through this collaborative process, Brushes with Cancer aims to provide healing, support, and empowerment to both the artist and the individual affected by cancer. The program finishes on a high note with our signature celebratory art exhibition, celebratory event and auction.
To learn more, download our Brushes with Cancer Overview and FAQ’s 2024
To become a Brushes with Cancer Mentor, please apply here.
The Impact of Brushes with Cancer in 2023
After more than three dozen Brushes with Cancer programs, we continue to see evidence that the experience is impactful for both Artists and Inspirations. Connections fostered through our Brushes with Cancer program offer healing for anyone touched by cancer. Explore the connections made by Artists and Inspirations in 2023 in the 2023 Annual Report.

Executive Board Members
Jenna Benn Shersher- Founder, CEO and Board President
Andrew Edelston- Board Chair
Emma Peck Block
Erin Johnson
Alex Perry
Joelle Goldman Bilow
Kathleen Boord
Joshua Taustein
Dr. Christian Squillante
Jon Goldberg
Howard Aaron
Jennifer L. Katz Margolis
Cynthia Beck
Danny Glick
Kevin Morgan
Jenny Indig
Mara McCarthy
Bari Fleischer
Mahwish Syed
Advisory Board Members
Jacqueline Carmody
Donna Dang
Jennifer Dee
Kenny Lapins
Gudrun Wu Synder
Jeffrey Guerrero
Dr. Martin Hogan
Anna Feneis
Ella Hawk
Kara Thomas
Bari Murphy
Shelby Zitelman
Tanya Kertsman
Joe Lombardo
Soraya Fata
Mignon Dupepe
Sonya Keshwani
Elizabeth Tabas
Jenna Benn Shersher, Founder and CEO
Amelia Hanrahan, COO
August Spree, Director of Programming
Ana Gordon, Clinical Director
Jacqueline Carmody, Licensed Clinical Art Therapist
Lindsay Patton, Director of Digital Strategy
Jenna Koch, Social Work Intern