Joni Goldstein & Nancy Rosen
The Story
Joni Goldstein
Joni Goldstein
Chicago, Illinois
2 time cancer survivor
Twist on Cancer: Being a two-time cancer survivor, I have a unique perspective. My first encounter was the unknown. I was frightened and unsure what to expect and what the future held for me. The chemo scared me and I was anxious every time I went in for treatment. Then I discovered that a tight-knit circle of friends and family would support me. They made me feel stronger than I thought I was.

My latest bout with cancer last year was somewhat easier. I knew what to expect. I embraced my friends and family as before. I wanted to prove to myself that I could do this with a positive, one-foot-in-front-of-the-other attitude. I had parties at my chemo sessions. I taught my ballet classes and talked to my students about my situation. They saw me with pink and purple wigs and never saw me sulking about my condition. I wanted them to know this was doable, and they always saw me upbeat.

I love what I do and hope to pass this on to my students and to all who know me, in spite of everything. Getting through this again taught me that I can do anything, as long as I have my family, friends and a positive attitude.
Nancy Rosen
Nancy Rosen
nancyrosen art instagram + face book
Artist Statement: I've been making things all my life - it's like breathing. What you see in my life is a reflection of your own.
The Reveal
Show them some love and tell them how you feel.