Twist Out Cancer Events

Twistshops! Free. Public. Virtual + InPerson.
“Virtual Twistshops” are wellness and art therapy focused workshops that promote healing, relaxation, and emotional recovery through creative based intervention. Topics change each time.
Twistshops are intended to meet a growing
need for psychological support and wellness in the cancer community. The program is open to individuals touched by cancer who are interested in engaging in a unique art experience that aims to support and ease feelings of isolation and anxiety by using the artwork as a tool for communication.
Check out the calendar details for each monthly program and plan to join us!
Meditation Series with Dr.Ruth Mayer & Lisa Kawalec
Ruth Mayer & Lisa Kawalec invite the Twist Out Cancer community to weekly evenings of meditation. The sessions facilitate a pathways to greater physical, emotional and spiritual heath. All are welcome!
Lisa Kawalec is a mindfulness coach who has been helping others explore meditation for the last five years. She has been on the caregiving team for many family and friends who have experienced cancer. She is a long-time volunteer at Camp Quality Illinois, a summer camp that strives to let kids with cancer be kids.
Ruth Mayer is a rabbi and clinical psychologist who is passionate about helping people find pathways to greater physical, emotional and spiritual heath. Ruth is a long time meditator who teaches and leads meditation groups. She has personally experienced the life changing power of meditation to help navigate the challenges of chronic disease.
Every Thursday
6:00-7:00 CST/ 7:00-8:00 EST