Tag: Mignon Dupepe
Martine Derom and Mignon Dupepe
Kate Sladek and Mignon Dupepe
Mignon Dupepe
Name: Mignon Dupepe
Title/credentials: LCPC, ATR, Twistshop Facilitator, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, Art Therapist
Location: Chicago, IL area
Education: BS Psychology/Education, Vanderbilt University
MAT, Adler University
Brief art therapy/artist bio & personal connection to Twist:
Mignon is an art explorer an art therapist. Mignon is currently a registered art therapist(ATR), and a licensed clinical professional counselor (LCPC). Mignon believes that the creative process permits clarifying moments to perceive possibility, potential, and wonder and allows us to connect deeply with others.
Mignon’s passion for using art and the creative process to connect has contributed to her involvement over the years in many art collaborations and installations for community and not for profit groups. An art collaboration with another local cancer support group initiated her to the Twist Out Cancer community. Since that introduction in 2018, Mignon has served as an artist for Brushes with Cancer in 2019, 2021, and 2023, a mentor for Brushes with Cancer in 2022, a facilitator for the inaugural Twist Hearts program in 2022, a regular Twistshop facilitator, and an associate board member. Mignon is inspired daily by the Twist Out Cancer community and the powerful stories shared through creative expression. Though Mignon’s mother, Betty, a talented seamstress and crafter, passed away from ovarian cancer many years ago, Mignon is able to feel connected with her and honor her creative spirit whenever she creates and makes art with others.
What is your favorite art material/art technique to share with the group?
Gouache paints and watercolor crayons are my favorite materials to share with others. I like the rich colors and exploratory ease that these materials offer. I love to use gouache painted papers to design collage canvases too!
What is your “Twist” on creative arts therapy?
Mignon’s goal as an art therapist is to use the creative process to connect and promote insight and become an active agent in developing positive and purposeful ideas towards wellness and best health. She finds joy in sharing the discovery and sense of awe moments that creative arts therapy allows.
Grace Fauls Lombardo and Ceci Lombardo
Virtual Twistshop-Self-soothing through the senses

Facilitated by Mignon Dupepe and Noah Plotkin
Self-soothing is doing things to calm and relax yourself through your five senses. Join Brushes with Cancer participants/friends, collaborators, and creators, Noah Plotkin and Mignon Dupepe for an evening of soothing practices, creative exploration, and connection. Using rhythm making and art processes, we will explore a deeper understanding of managing stress and supporting wellness by intentionally engaging in soothing enjoyable sensory experiences. No music or artistic skills required to participate-just an interest in using art materials and music for expression, growth, and relaxation.
Materials to be considered for this workshop include:
- Watercolor or thick art paper-3 pieces-
- Watercolor paints
- Water/ watercolor brush/paper towels
- Colorful markers-
- Permanent black marker-thin if possible
- Colorful pens
- Scissors
- Glue stick
Noah will be providing soothing melodies on an instrument called a HandPan along with various percussion items.
Noah Plotkin’s Life Rhythms was founded in 2013 to facilitate health and wellness in diverse populations through the power of rhythmic music. Programs are designed to express the creative spirit, vent stress and re-establish a healthy and beneficial life rhythm.
Throughout his life Noah has recognized the power of music to unite people of all ages and backgrounds to build strong and sustainable communities. He believes that music is a universal language that reaches across all cultural and demographic boundaries. It is in this spirit that Noah hopes to bring awareness of rhythmic music as a complementary tool to enable people of all ages to create and maintain good health.
Mignon is a Twistshop facilitator, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, Registered Art Therapist, and art explorer. Mignon is passionate about using the creative process to connect, to promote insight and understanding, and to imagine possibilities.
CLICK HERE TO MAKE SUGGESTED $5-$10 DONATION. All donations go towards future Twistshop programming.